Friday, January 22, 2010

RM Launches Pop Ukelele Course!

First follow us, say this: You-Ke-Lay-Lee, in Mandarin 乌克丽丽. Well-done!
Now that you are on this page, you must have had certain interest getting to know this little fella better. Don't belittle it by saying it's a 'lesser' guitar, and don't you freak out on its very teensy size if you already are used to the bulk of say a dreadnought guitar. They are indeed instruments belonging to the same family. Instead of giving you a long breakdown of its history, we'd endeavour to get the interested potential of a musician right down to it. Here's what you need to think about before you sign up for a Ukulele course:

Why the ukulele?
a) It's petite, okay that's an understatement, it's a cutie!
b) it's handy and mobile!
c) you can strum and sing with it real easy!
d) I can play the guitar! i can transfer what i know on the guitar onto this happy instrument!
e) I can hit my dog with it. (But we won't, coz we don't believe in cruelty to animals or ukuleles.)

What do i need to possess?
a) a curiosity for the instrument or music
b) a threshold for fun and joy
c) a ukulele

You can sign up for our entire course of 3 months and get a Maestro Ukulele at a great deal!

How to spot the ukulele of your dreams?
First, know that there are sopranos, tenors and baritones. Replugged Music uses Sopranos for classroom coaching as we find the instrument size more mobile, accessible for all ages, and also the treble tone of the Soprano Ukulele very sweet and chirpy.

Last but not least, the Replugged Music Pop Ukulele Course (3 months' duration) provides:
- 1 Maestro Ukulele (worth $50.00) FREE!
- 1 gig bag FREE!

No fuss, no frills, and you're ready to get on the greatest 4-String adventure of your life!

3-month package (12 lessons):
$299 (1 ukulele worth $50 FREE!)

Should you decide not to sign up for the 3-month package, we offer ukulele lessons at $98/month. You may also choose to purchase the ukulele separately.

For enquiries on course fees, please write to

You may obtain more details on the sizes of the Ukuleles at Wikipedia.
(Replugged Music would encourage donations to Wikipedia if you find it useful. Thank you Wikipedia.)

For more details, email us at and check for more goodies on!

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