Sunday, February 8, 2009

Replugged Music presents: Beatboxing Course!

As with all other Replugged Music courses, we seek to create and re-create. The art of vocal percussion, as its name implies is about creating/re-creating grooves patterns, and sounds, which isn't necessarily confined to sounds from the drum set, with the human throat, tongue, mouth and voice.

It has a long history which some have researched and speculated to originate from world music, and most notably from the North Indian 'bols' and South Indian 'solkattu'.

Another likely origin, is Kouji 口技, with its earliest records in Shandong Province more than 2000 years ago during the warring states period. Kouji performance is made up of mimicry, dialogue (vocal interaction), humour and singing, which are essentially elements of Beatboxing.

It is thus not surprising that Beatboxing, a form of Vocal percussion bears some if not all of the above characteristics. Beatboxing, however, stands out on its own, and is an evolving form of street culture and art, with strong relations to the hip-hop culture. Like, Kouji, it may and often does involve some form of singing, or 'scratching' (turntablism), and mimicry or simulation of brass and string instruments.

Replugged Music is excited and proud to present our latest addition to this family of pop arts this year, Vocal Percussion (BeatBoxing) Course. Calling especially all singers and drummers, this may be a time to discover your unreleased potential in your varied musical interests!

Inquire now and be part of this music revolution!

**Stay tuned to this space for more exciting videos and info on beatboxing!

(Last update: 2nd February 2009)

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